
DPS Exam Status

Hey guys!
well here's our exam status.

Practice rounds(Sem I) - ENDED (Good Job Guys!)

Group Stages(Prelim I)- Pending...

Quater Finals(Prelim II)- Pending...

Semi Finals(Prelim III)- Pending...

Finals(Boards)- Pending..

-Manak Kapoor


Girls in danger, update facebook status and didn't call 911.

If you were trapped or lost in a storm drain, but still had cell phone reception, how would you reach out for help? Perhaps call 911, or its equivalent? I'm sure you wouldn't rely on updating your Facebook status.

But that's exactly what a pair of girls in Adelaide, Australia did when they wandered into just such a drain Sunday. The 10- and 12-year-old girls used their cell phones to update their statuses on the social networking site in order to let friends know they were lost under the streets of their suburban neighborhood. The Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS) rescued the girls, but only after their friends had called 000, the Australian equivalent of 911.

The MFS was concerned about the girls' communicating via Facebook rather than calling emergency responders directly, but it is quite possible the girls felt as if they were in no immediate danger. Glenn Benham, one of the involved firefighters, told the Daily Mail, "We could have come to their rescue much faster than relying on someone else being online, then replying to them, then calling us. It is a worrying development.
Who should be blamed For this FACEBOOK or the girls?

Damn those girls must be retards.



Well... i was studying EVS(environmental Science) for my exams and that got me thinking....

In this World of change... with the world drowning, with global warming. The water crisis popping up around the world. The loss of trees. It's amazing how we just overlook all these things, thinking "me doing something won't change anything". But actually think about it. You have 10 friends over, and infront of them you save water, turn off lights when you leave. Out of the 10 atleast 4 will be influenced, by your actions and will try to do the same.
In this world right now.. I think the most boring and Interesting subject is EVS. With the world in severe danger because of "MAN", no other subject is out there to teach us on how to repair our earth.

by this post i hope i have left an impact on atleast the 5 people that read this post. You too can leave an impact by commenting on this post and asking people to read this post.

EVS is boring. But Useful.


Teachers day was awesome.

:o Teachers day was awesome in Skool.
just a lil too much noise, and less time o:

This could have been way better.

CLASS-XII you have done a 'great' job.



Happy Teachers day~

:O You had a happy teachers day!
You had a bad day!
See the resemblence:)
Any way happy teachers day to all teachers out there in the world.
TEACHERS FACT- The first Teacher who was planned to go into space....
her rocket exploded and she died, with all others on board.
Taking revenge for exams.


कर भला हो भला

एक बच्चा तीन दिन से भूखा शहर की गलियो में घूम रहा था पर कोई भी उस पर रहम नही कर रहा था। तभी उसने एक घर का दरवाजा खटखटाया एक औरत ने दरवाजा खोला उस बच्चे ने शर्म के मारे सिर्फ पानी ही मांग लिया वह औरत अंदर गई और गर्म दूध का गिलास लेकर आई और प्यार से उस बच्चे को दूध पिलाया । दूध पीकर बच्चा खुश होकर वहॅा से चला गया । कुछ सालो बाद उस औरत को स्तन कैसर हो गया सभी डाक्टरों सें उस को निराशा हाथ लगी। फिर वह एक सबसे जाने माने डॉक्टर के पास गई उस डॉक्टर ने तुरंत उसे भर्ती कर लिया तथा सभी आवश्यक टेस्ट कर लिये और कुछ दिनो में उसका ऑपरेशन कर दिया तथा अच्छे से उसकी दवा पानी की तथा उसके पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ होने पर उसे एक अच्छे से रूम में रखा। इतने दिन तक तो वह औरत कुछ ना बोली पर एक दिन उसने हिचकते हुए कहा कि डॅाक्टर साहब आपने इतने दिन ना तो कोई फीस ली ना ही कुछ कहा आपका बिल कितना हुआ। डॉक्टर बोला- आपको क्या वह दूध का गिलास याद है तब आपने क्या मुझसे उस दूध की गिलास का कोई मूल्य लिया था? तो मै आपसे क्या कोई मूल्य ले सकता ह?

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