
I would like to make myself believe...

I would like to make myself believe that planet earth Turns slowly....

But time just runs....

But nothing is as it seems....


Micheal Jackson.

What's the big fuss of Michael Jackson Dying? All he did was sing songs like every other singer. What made him so special? eh... The world is sobbing over a person who underwent plastic surgery just to get famous?
As far as I remember People HATED him before he died.And now Oh my god! Michael Jackson is dead.
 All i'm Saying is people are over-reacting to Micheal Jackson's death.
                                                       I bet there are a thousand people out there who are with me.


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Reality is a conglomeration of people's expectations; a balance between people's will and people's desires.


Jana Gana Mana

Happy Independance Day India.

India=Kewl :O
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